Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Study, Study, Study...

Midterms mean the mid point in the semester... I can't believe it's here already. I don't think I've ever had this many tests to study for all at once either. This semester I have 4 tests within three days. Today is Tuesday. I have one tomorrow in Sociology, two Thursday in History and Interpersonal Communication, and one Friday in Evolution. Although the one Friday is just another test and isn't technically a midterm, it still sucks because it's just another thing I have to study for. And there's only one problem...

... I hate studying. Every time I study I end up doing other things like texting, or Facebook, or watching tv. This time I was studying for Sociology and ended up texting a friend in my class. We talked about the midterm maybe for like a minute then got talking about other things. I think the reason why I get so distracted when I study is that I really despise studying. I rarely know how to study the right way, but you think being a sophomore in college you would know how, but I don't. I never had to study in high school and I'd still get good grades. College was like a brick wall that I ran into really, really hard. And I'm still recovering from the trauma of hitting so hard and not knowing what to do, essentially not knowing how to study because I never really had to before. I try studying but I always seem to rewrite my notes. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't; it really depends on the material that is being covered.

Whoever thought of tests was a nut job and should be shot, haha. But to say the least, midterms are not fun. I wish I wasn't getting hammered with tests around this time. I think everyone who goes to UC has the "spring break fever" because it is the week before spring break and we just want to enjoy the nice weather that we've been having. I just don't want to take these tests and I want to fast forward to Saturday morning so I don't have to worry about the tests and I can take some time to relax. Sounds good to me.

But for now, it's study, study, study for me.


...The Limping Lizard.

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