Monday, January 25, 2010


So I was sitting in my Evolution class today and I got to thinking about something that we had gone over in our last class. We were going over a concept and it basically meant religion and evolution couldn't be taught together. This I thought was totally stupid and a load of bull. There was a graphic shown on the PowerPoint that compared two sides of the argument. One side was the religious side, and the other was the scientific side. The religious side was showing this certain thing and if you had this foundation it would support this, this and this. On that side, it said the Bible supports blah blah blah and homosexual behavior was included. This infuriated me and then I thought about all of this I am now going to tell you.

I got to thinking about religion and it's greatest conflict right now between religion and homosexuality/marriage equality for LGBTs. I know this might get a little repetitive after a while talking about marriage equality and gay rights but it is something that is becoming more important to me as days go by.

A lot of people are saying that LGBT persons shouldn't be able to marry because it will increase taxes and expenses, that heterosexuals will be influenced or will be effected, it's against the church and the Bible. I don't think that marriage equality will bring these concerns to light, or at least not as much as people are thinking they will be.

It might increase expenses by giving homosexual couples more liberties and more rights that heterosexual couples have, like being able to put someone on their insurance or allowing them to be in the hospital room and receive their medical information and being allowed to make medical decisions if their partner is not able to make them. Sure, those expenses may rise but I don't think as much as people are making a big deal about. But what's with "marriage equality for LGBTs will raise taxes" bullshit? I thought everyone paid taxes? Even if they were gay or straight? Why should it matter if gay people are paying taxes or straight people are paying. For the most part, everyone is going to be paying roughly the same amount or at least gay people are not going to get exceptions to paying taxes just because they are dating the same sex. That is complete ignorance if you think that will happen because it won't.

Another argument for heterosexuals who are against marriage equality is that being homosexual or getting married to the same sex is against the church. I don't think it is fair to put that restriction, or in some cases, guilt, on people. Why would someone say that it is against the church for homosexuals to get married when some of those homosexuals might not even be religious or believe in a higher power. Some of the LGBTs might not even want to get married in the church so what does it matter if it is against the church or not?

There's another thing that bothers me with the church + LGBT marriage equality. When heterosexuals get married in the church they still have to get their marriage license, which is not even a part of the church, it is a legal government issue. So why are we leaving some decisions up to the religious figures in the country and taking their opinions into highest consideration?

I don't think any of this is logical or fair. I also don't think it's fair that people who don't even know me or other LGBT women and men are telling me who I can or cannot love or marry. Would you want me to tell you that you can't work a certain job or love and marry this person because I apparently hate you like you hate LGBTs? I don't think so. So why are you telling me I can't marry this person because I love them and want to be with them for the rest of my life?

There are more people that are standing up and speaking out that they are against gay rights and against marriage equality than there are people standing up and speaking out that they want LGBTs to be able to have more rights and get married. I urge you to stand up for what you believe in (and hopefully that is for marriage equality!) and get involved and support groups that help support you and your beliefs.

...The Limping Lizard.

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